
Bottle and Packaging Food Sterilization Machine

Glass bottle or Packaging food are the popular food type in the food market right now. However, sterilization plays a vital role in the food process. Comparing to traditional solution, microwave sterilization is an alternative way to process bottle and can food material. Like, we use microwave sterilize fruit bottle like orange, apple, pear, strawberry, pineapple and other fruits material etc. Not only do tunnel microwave sterilize fruit bottle, but also we kill bacterial of packaging food.

Microwave Sterilization Fast and Efficient

Regular heating sterilization works by heat conduction from interior to surface. Typically, it takes a longer time to reach required temperature and pasteurization. However, Microwave heating is preferred for pasteurization and sterilization over the conventional heating for the basic reason that the process is fast and requires minimum come-up time (CUT) to the desired process temperature. To process liquid foods, high-temperature short-time (HTST), bottle, packaging food processes have been accepted by the food processing industry to reduce the adverse thermal degradation in food quality while ensuring food safety. Microwave heating has the advantage to overcome the limitation imposed by the slow thermal diffusion process of conventional heating. The volumetric heat generated by microwaves can significantly reduce the total heating time and severity at the elevated temperatures needed for commercial sterilization whereby bacterial destruction is enhanced, but thermal degradation of the desired components is reduced.

Lower Temperature Sterilization and Keep Nutrition

Microwave has a dual sterilization function including rapidly temperature arising and nor-thermal sterilization. Generally, microwave sterilization temperature is between 70 ~ 90  with 3 to 8 minutes. On the other hand, it is able to maximum keep food nutrition including Vitamin, mineral and other nutrition etc.

Uniform Process

Microwave can sterilize both inside and outside of material to obtain an excellent uniform sterilization purpose. Also, microwave has a strong penetration ability to works on the material itself achieve a uniform process.

Small Footprint

Microwave has a small footprint and easily installation procedures, it does not consist of complicated burner and boiler equipment. So it significantly save much maintenance time and reduce exhausted emission. Also, microwave has a higher electricity converting rate to reduce energy consumption.

Microwave sterilization is a better solution for food 

More information food sterilization function, you can consult with MAX Industrial Microwave.

