
Green Tea Fixation and Drying

Green tea, known as unfermented tea, is a popular beverage in the world. 5000 years ago, people pluck fresh tea leaves and exposure to sun to dry. Green tea is also recognized as herbal medicine treat from depression to headache. Based on the experiment and practice, green tea is reputed to be benefit in some areas like cancer, infection, high cholesterol and impaired immune function.

The more important of green tea is the flavor and smell. Unraveling incredible variety of tastes, textures and aromas of your favorite tea is a good way to start a new day. Studies have shown that almost 85% of what we taste is actually due to what we smell. Therefore, how to retain tea original smell and aroma is the most important stage in the tea making process. The primary processing of green tea are fixation, rolling and drying. As the time goes by, few traditional processing methods still remain today, more people initiate to use new drying method and solution instead of conventional hot air and steaming etc. The traditional green tea drying and fixation methods has some disadvantages such as low efficiency, burning coal make much pollution, frequently maintenance as the complicated system, inconsistence of tea quality.

Fuzhou University and Beijing University work together to carry about an experiment about the new drying technologies influence on green tea. The experiment is investigated by comparing to four drying solution hot air (AD), vacuum drying(VD), microwave drying(MD) and microwave vacuum drying(MVD). There are two tables showing the difference for four drying methods.



Herbs and Ingredients Drying Machine

Fresh herbs are common ingredients that use moist cooking such as soups, stews and braise. But we could not say that herbs are completely useless in dried form. Actually, there is a drying way that not only extends the herbs’ shelf live, but also maximum preserve herbs, flavor and color. Yes, microwave is the best option. Compared to other drying methods hanging in a well-ventilated room or using oven, the microwave produces the most potent dried herbs with the brightest color and freshest flavor as we expected. Industrial microwave could be used for drying parsley, mint, 
tarragon, cilantro, chervil, basil, rosemary, thyme, savory, marjoram, oregano and chives.



High Valued-add Wood, Adhesive Glue Wood and Hardwood Dryer

According to experiment for rubber wood, microwave dryer is observed to have a higher value than that of hot air, resulting in higher energy requirement for drying process. So what kinds of wood material are suited for microwave technology?

Firstly, high value-add furniture wood is widely used by microwave dryer. Microwave dryer minimize wood discolor and prevent wood cracking during drying process. Lower moisture content of high valued wood is quickly eliminated by microwave wave throughout a continuously tunnel model. Accurately control drying temperature and moisture content are the main advantages, which other drying solution hardly achieve it. The whole drying process is precisely governed by PLC system to assure wood value

Secondly, Using adhesive to sticking wood is also suited for microwave dryer. Laying the adhesive wood on the conveyor belt, microwave energy are capable of exciting glue water molecular so adhesive wood is uniformly dried out to the next stage treatment, maximum saves drying time and cost

Thirdly, Hardwood is also available to use microwave dryer. Microwave wave directly penetrates high density wood compared to steam and hot air drying solution. Therefore, microwave could fast drive moisture from the center of hardwood to the surface, uniformly heat up wood both inside and outside.

In addition, microwave dryers are also applied for industrial scale second time wood drying that has the lower moisture content, water-painted wood, normal painted wood and plywood material. Industrial Microwave is an environmentally friendly machine which does not produce any pollution and unexpected material. 

“Microwave processing allows timber to be impregnated with resins or preservative to improve its strength, stability and durability,” says Professor Peter Vinden, CEO of CRC Wood Innovations. “Microwave technology enables acceleration of preservative treatment to a few minutes, and generates a more environmentally friendly product.”



Industrial Microwave Extraction Function

Extraction is an important but generally very time-consuming stage in terms of material. Recently, microwave extraction is becoming the choice for the extraction of diverse material. So what are the advantages of microwave extraction method? We think one of the biggest benefits is the reduced amount of time, and the extraction takes for multiple samples in a single extraction operation. Typically, microwave extracting device heats up material in the closed vessel under the controlled microwave power with temperature.

Microwave extraction offers an excellent alternative to conventional reflux extraction like ingredients, sediment, sludge and soil material. Microwave extraction involves rapid extraction in close cabinet with little risk of outside contamination. There are not significantly difference between conventional method and microwave method. However, microwave extraction solution dramatically shortens time consuming and accelerates reaction and extracting process.



Drying Methods Influence on the Nutrition of Moringa Oleifera

1. View all the drying method, the smallest of appearance change of Moringa is lyophilization method; but microwave and infrared rays are more practice and convenient.

2. Different drying methods have less influence on minerals, protein and crude fat

3. Different drying methods have big influence on VC,VE and VB2.。Fresh Moringa leaves are better processed by Microwave and infrared as much as keep VC, VE and VB2.

For your Moringa leaves drying solution, you can contact with MAX Industrial Microwave. We are a industrial microwave manufacturer can produce both batch microwave oven and tunnel belt microwave furnace to handle with different Moringa material drying application including Moringa leaves, Moringa seed, Moringa powder and Moringa stem.



Moringa Drying Machine

Moringa leaves can be consumed fresh, cooked or dried. Moringa powder is nutritious, is easy to make, easy to store and easy to use.There is endless ways to incorporate Moringa leaf powder into the diet. Moringa leaf powder can be used as a tea, added to beverages, sprinkled on food or taken in capsules. Moringa powder can be used in cooking or salades. The list of moringa products and ways to apply them is endless.

There is an industrial microwave dryer that efficiently dry moringa leaves and powder.


Corrugated Paper Board Dryer

How to efficiently dry corrugated paper board in a short time? Uniformly drying is crucial for the quality of corrugated paper board. Industrial Microwave evenly remove both interior and surface paper board to achieve a better drying result.



Clean and Energy Save Roast Peanut

Do you wanna try a new method roast peanut and other nuts instead of traditional heating way? Are you sick of the heavy smoke and contaminated peanut? Do you try to roast new flavor peanut?  Do you want want a less time consuming, less energy consumption and less labor nuts heating machine?

Please view below video



Industrial Microwave Dry A Commercial Scale of Herbs and Ingredients

MAX Industrial Microwave can dry a large scale of herbs and ingredients under a couple of minutes



Green Tea Fixation and Drying Equipment

MAX Industrial Microwave is used for green tea fixation and drying application



Soybean Drying and Deodorizer

MAX Industrial Microwave significantly improve soybean drying and deodorizer