In some humidity area, company need to dry starch from 12% moisture content down to 6%-7%.Conventional heating and drying solutions approach starch from the surface, applying heat only to the outside edge. Traditional technique fast dehydrates surface moisture, but it is inefficient to dry low moisture content of material or remove liquid trapped inside the material.
The microwave heating occurs instantaneously and can be very fast, although it does not have to be. However, the speed of microwave heating can be an advantage, and is often possible to accomplish in seconds and minutes what could take minutes, hours, and even days with conventional heating methods
Microwave systems are more compact, requiring a smaller equipment footprint.
Microwave energy is precisely controllable and can be turned on and off instantly, eliminating the need for warm-up and cool-down. Lack of high-temperature heating surfaces greatly reduces the amount of product that is burned or overheated.
The use of industrial microwave systems avoids combustible gaseous by-products, eliminating the need for environmental permits and improving working conditions.
Compared to conventional heating, microwave heated food products tend to retain a higher percentage of flavors and nutrients
It can also sterilize starch during the drying purpose to avoid the
Microwaves heating machine reduces production run times and both cleaning times and chemical costs.
Except to dry starch, microwave drying machine is also used to dry soybean, sesame, rice, flour and others.